Mindfulness for 2013

Happy New Year!  We all survived the nonexistent Mayan Apocalypse of 2012, and so far 2013 is looking pretty good. 

Five years ago, I started a new tradition of choosing a touchstone word for the new year instead of making resolutions.  (You can read about that here.)  That year, my word was Delight.  Since then, I’ve chosen Boldness, and Focus… and I’ve forgotten at least one and repeated at least one (since I didn’t quite “get it” in one year). 

For 2013, my touchstone word is Mindfulness.  I want to be present in every moment, alive and aware, not just wasting time on autopilot.  I no longer want to do things a certain way just because that’s the way I’ve always done them.  I want my mind to be engaged and active, always learning new things and seeing old things in new ways.

So, what about you?  I’d love it if you’d share your touchstone word (or resolutions) for 2013 in the comments!

~ by eirewolf on January 1, 2013.

5 Responses to “Mindfulness for 2013”

  1. http://www.domesticadventure.blogspot.com/2013/01/word-for-2013walk.html

    I want to Walk this year – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I like Mindfulness.

  2. Five years?! Wow. That is pretty cool. You’ve got a tradition going. 🙂 Love your word.

  3. How cool! That is my key word for the year as well. Actually I have two- mindfulness and generative thinking 🙂

    • Generative thinking — that’s intriguing! Your video blog is quite fascinating. I’m not sure if I would be brave enough to interview strangers, but you got some interesting replies!

      • thanks. haha sometimes I get nervous right before I talk to them but they are already listening to me so I just go ahead and wait for a yes or no lol 🙂

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